Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Why is Security for Your Business Important?
Posted By:
Security Geeks
on 23:43
Did you know that in 2010, over 1000 workplace homicides took place in the United States according to the CDC? Did you know that 2% of all sales revenue, on average, is stolen annually by employees?
Did you know that having on-site security reduces your chances of being robbed by 85%?
These are just a few of the reasons why every business, regardless of size, income level, or specialty, needs to focus on protecting their business both physically and electronically.
Workplace Homicide and Assault
Workplace assaults reach in the tens of thousands annually. Each instance opens a company up to a potential lawsuit. These lawsuits can add up to millions of dollars in damages and legal fees for the companies and so investing in some security can be a very smart move.
Strong HR polices aren't always a deterrent from homicide or assault in the workplace. Having on-site security present can reduce liability in the event of something unfortunate happening. Security can also reduce the chances of an attack occurring at all. When managing a large company and mixing all different types of personalities you should definitely invest in some physical security to protect your employees and the company's assets.
Theft is a major problem in the workplace. Whether it be physical property stolen or intellectual property stolen it can pose a serious problem. Companies report between 2 and 5 percent of their income has been lost due to theft both within the company and outside. This can be theft of office supplies, computer equipment, or currency by employees. It can also mean theft of merchandise by customers which could be avoided if precautions are taken. With items like security locks from Security Centers in Southern California you can be sure to protect your business from thieves.
A security detail can monitor the entire company to ensure profits are not walking out of the door. The cost to protect against theft is a fraction of the overall cost of theft in a company. A visible security guard can reduce theft by as much as 50% or investing in some anti theft security software can help guard your property from malicious intentions.
Identity Fraud
Identity theft costs American companies nearly $25 billion per year. Scams pilfer another $2 billion from corporate coffers. While no one can completely prevent all forms of identity theft or scams, having security teams monitoring email traffic for key words or known phishing attempts can dramatically reduce the likelihood that it happens in your company.
Having a computer security expert working to protect your business can save another 3 to 7 percent of anticipated profits annually. Corporate security is not longer about physical security. Computer security is just as important.
Experts expect the rates of computer scams and identity theft to continue. Estimates put total losses at over $50 billion annually by 2020.
Hiring a team of security professionals and security software can help protect your online and physical assets can seem expensive but the price of not acting can be significantly greater if your business is compromised.
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