Identity theft is a very real problem that can affect almost anyone today. Identity thieves do not operate just online, they employ a variety of techniques in order to steal information that can be used to access personal accounts, or to open new accounts. Avoiding identity theft requires vigilance and knowledge about the practice. Every person should know how to deal with common risks that could lead to identity theft.
Unsecured Wireless Routers
Identity thieves can use unsecured wireless routers to steal personal information. Software-like packet sniffers, and other applications can capture and decode data moving through the router from hundreds of feet away. The packets can reveal login and personal data, when banking or making purchases online. This can be prevented by protecting wireless routers with a strong password, or by using virtual private network software.
Identity thieves often impersonate utility workers, or city officials in order to gain access to a home. Thieves lie about needing to check an appliance, or other item in the house. They then use the time inside to collect personal information like bills, credit cards, or bank statements. It is important to verify the identity of anyone being let into the home. Additionally, strangers should never be left alone.
Malware can be installed quietly on a computer from an email or a malicious website. The malware can slowly gather keystrokes, passwords, and personal data for weeks and then send it to a remote server. Avoiding malware involves not clicking on suspicious links, and not opening emails from unknown senders. Suspicious websites should also be avoided.
The Identity of Children
Identity thieves are starting to target children in order to create false identities backed by some real information. Parents need to make sure no personal information about children is posted on social media networks. Paperwork and documents listing information about children should be stored securely or shredded in order to protect their identities.
Physical Theft and Burglary
The most common way thieves get personal information is by burglarizing a home and stealing documents. This can occur in less than two minutes. The solution is to contact a company like Banhams Close Security that can install strong locks, doors, and alarms to prevent burglaries. Securing the home, and increasing physical security around the property will deter most identity thieves.
It is important to protect even the smallest pieces of personal information. Identity thieves can work for weeks or longer trying to assemble data about a person from several different sources. Homeowners should add security to the house, shred all documents with personal information, and take every precaution when online.
About The Author:
Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and recent graduate of the University of New Mexico. She lives in Los Lunas where she writes, spends her time outdoors, and tries all the new food she can. Contact her via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.
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