Saturday, 31 August 2013

Are 404 Errors Affecting your SEO and Website?

The error message displaying “404 Not Found” is a common response status code generated by search engine results; stating that the HTTP server did try to locate the requested URL but the targeted web based content could not be found due to a broken link. 404 error messages are usually displayed when the requested web based content have been deleted from the requested site, incorrect and misspelled links have been provided to the targeted content, or the link structure (permalink) of the website has been changed completely. Such error messages provide negative user experience and can harm the reputation of the supporting sites providing reference links for such content. Also, sometimes important links from other such domains can be missed and relevant reference material made inaccessible.

Difference between 404 Error, DNS Error And “Server Not Found” Messages

404 Error is different from DNS Error, also resulting from dead links, wherein content is being moved to a different domain altogether, and the requested URL redirected to an invalid server name (server name does not exist). In 404 Error, the server is traceable as per the web browser’s request, but the targeted content is no longer available. Also, this error is different from “server not found” messages, wherein contact with the target server itself could not be established by the web browser.

Scouting 404 Error Pages with Google Webmaster and WordPress Redirection Plugin

404 Errors are not exactly SEO-friendly; hence it is better advised not to have a big list of such pages for your web based sites or blogs. SEO is all about optimizing positive user experience for the netizens, and the 404 error messages are a hindrance to that end. The basic step is to first, identify the potential 404 pages by accessing the Google Webmaster tool. You need to select “Crawl errors” from the Google Webmaster tool dashboard, and then click on “Not found” to get the list of your links. Now, you can select individual links and choose the “linked from” option to examine the link routes. Additionally, Redirection Plugin by WordPress can be used to check and redirect 404 pages from your console.

Fixing 404 Error Pages for Your Domain: Best Practices

• Once you have discovered the potential 404 error pages, you may use 301 Redirect to fix your dead links and redirect them to the applicable web based article or category.
• If the misspelled or incorrect link from some other domain is the reason for your 404 error message, then you can place a request with the webmaster to correct the link or use a 301 Redirect yourself.
• In case no relevant web based article, post or category, is available on your website based on the targeted topic, and then you can simply leave it as a 404 error page, which will be de-indexed by Google after a certain period.
• Additionally, you may yourself de-index 404 error pages from your web index with the help of Google Webmaster removal tool. However, this step is only recommended in case you have a small number of 404 error pages which can be manually handled. For bigger batches of 404 error page de-indexing, it is better letting Google handle them on your behalf and follow the previous step mentioned.
• An interesting way to utilize a 404 error page to provide a positive user experience is to remodel such a page by adding a search index, displaying relevant posts as per user targeted query or promoting some bestselling web posts or articles from your web gateway.

About The Author:
Jask is a web design company in Birmingham and Neil is a senior content manager at Jask. He love writing on technology and SEO. He also emphasize on utilizing the best SEO techniques that are white hat and search engine friendly for getting long term profitable results.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

5 Ways You're Making it Easy for Hackers to Steal Your Identity

Identity theft is just a scary news headline until it happens to you. This crime is happening with shocking frequency, according to the Department of Justice, which estimates the cost of these crimes amounts to $6.4 billion each year. About three percent of U.S. households fall prey to some form of identity theft, which equates to about 3.6 million families each year. How are thieves stealing our information?

Using Public Wi-Fi Hotspots

Image via Flickr by Jannie-Jan

Public Wi-Fi is convenient and can save you big bucks on expensive data plans, but the convenience may not be worth the price when it comes to identity theft. Any information you access or send over a public Wi-Fi connection is subject to being stolen, including passwords, account numbers, personal photos, as well as sensitive data like social security numbers and business data. Instead, convert your smartphone to a Wi-Fi hotspot or invest in a VPN.

Ordering From Unsecured Websites

When the Internet was new, people were more cautions to check for the security symbol in the address bar. As online transactions have become commonplace, people are ordering from unsecure websites all the time without even thinking about it. Only do online business with trusted companies, and always check for the security icon before entering your payment information. Use a prepaid debit card for online purchases so your liabilities are limited if the number is hacked.

Tossing Documents in the Trash

Do you carelessly toss out your paid bills, all those pre approved credit cards, and bank statements? Many thieves target the trash, knowing we throw away all the information they need to open credit accounts, phony bank accounts, and take out loans in our name. Invest in a shredder, preferably a cross-cut shredder for maximum security.

Posting TMI on Social Media

What are the types of information identity thieves need? Your birthday, pet's name, mother's maiden name, and your employer, all of the other information that's readily available on your social media pages. Never friend anyone you don't know, and keep your privacy settings tight, but also never assume that anything you post on social media is secure. Also, avoid posting when you're going out-of-town, new cell phone numbers when you change services, and other tell-tale info. If you use social media regularly, consider a protective service like LifeLock's identity theft services.

Using ATM and Debit Card Machines

A device called a skimmer can easily be placed into ATM machines and debit card machines such as those at the gas pump. The device allows the machine to act normally, so you never suspect anything is wrong, but it steals your card number and PIN number. Thieves can then empty your account and you're none the wiser until you try to make a purchase and your card is declined. Your bank may offer recourse, but your account will sit empty for some time while the bank investigates. LifeLock services and a prepaid debit card are useful for these purposes too. They may steal what's on the card, but at least you won't be broke while you wait for the charges to be credited to your account.
The Age of Information is indeed convenient, but it's also less secure. Always weigh the benefits of those conveniences against the terror of identity theft. Sometimes, it's just not worth the risk.

About The Author:

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

A comprehensive tutorial explaining the importance of SEO for WordPress

WordPress is a universally known platform for creating websites and blogs with attractive themes. One of the best aspects that differentiate it from the other platforms is the fact that it is extremely easy to use. You do not need to be a master in the plethora of coding languages available. It has a series of plugins that support SEO and are extremely compatible. If you wish to create stunning business websites but financial crunch and budget limitations hold you back, all you need to do is install WordPress, download some essential plugins, namely WordPress SEO by Yoast and throw in a good mix of SEO and you are good to go. There are two very important aspects of a website powered by WordPress, points out one of the best SEO companies in India, first being the actual website that is visible to the audience and the second is the administrator’s page where all the SEO work needs to be done. Given below is an all-inclusive tutorial to guide you to make the right use of SEO when using WordPress.

Step 1:

When you visit your WordPress dashboard, there will be a tab that reads ‘Page’ on the left sidebar along with numerous other options. Under the ‘Page’ tab select ‘New Page’ option. A new page will be displayed.

Step 2:

Go to the document where you have the content written. Select it and go back to the new page. Under the formatting options available, select the clipboard and paste your content in the blank space that will be provided by the dialog box.

Step 3:

In the ‘Title’ box provided, carefully type in the title of your page. You must highlight your main keyword here. Once that is done, check the Permalink option right below the title box. It should be the same as your title. If it differs, select the ‘Edit’ button and type in the exact title.

Step 4:

To add images, select the ‘Add Media’ button and select the file you wish to upload. Once the image is uploaded in the dialog box, you have two options. You can either fill in the details describing the image of the right hand side of that dialog box or you could directly upload the image.

Step 5:

Once the image has been uploaded into the page, select the image. On doing this, there will be two icons that will be displayed on the image. The first one is for editing the image and the second is for deleting it. Select the edit icon and in the Alt Text section, type in a keyword that you feel is most relevant. This is something even the best SEO companies in India suggest to follow.

Step 6:

Before you publish your post, you must scroll down to the section that displays the heading WordPress SEO by Yoast. Under the SEO Title type in the title that you would want the search engines to display. Under the Meta description heading, fill in the details about your website and business using relevant keywords. Do not stuff the title and description page with keywords. It should look subtle, not forced. Under the ‘Focus Keyword’, fill in a keyword that you feel is most important.
Once you do this, a section will be displayed that gives out the details of the keywords placed in various sections of the page and how this will help you rank better. For instance, it will display the number of times your focus keyword has been used in the title, description, page URL, the actual content and the likes. Once this is sorted, you can publish your content.

About The Author:
Craig Costner is an Internet Research analyst and loves working with SEO. His latest venture involves collaboration with some of the best SEO companies in India. He also loves working on website development. Coffee is one of his vices and he cannot live without junk food.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

How To Prevent Credit Card Identity Theft While Abroad

When you’re traveling overseas, you’re automatically putting your identity at risk, primarily due to your credit card. The risk isn’t severe enough that you should avoid travel altogether, but it does warrant some extra precaution and a reasonable amount of attention that you should be aware of during your trip.

Since identity theft is common and difficult to protect against in other countries, you need to be a bit more proactive in terms of protecting your credit card. Identity thieves will specifically target foreigners, especially Americans because of their perceived vulnerability.

They’ll assume that you’re not paying attention and that you aren’t prepared, but if you prove them wrong, then you’ve already won the war.

So, how can you be prepared and get the jump start on potential identity thieves?

While you can never guarantee the safety of your credit card 100-percent (even on American soil), taking these simple steps can help to ensure that you’ve got the deck stacked in your favor.

Here are a few things you can do to help prevent identity theft while travelling abroad:

1. Notify your credit card company ahead of time -- Your credit card company is on your side. It might not feel like that at all times, but when it comes to identity theft, you’ve got a willing (and powerful) ally in your credit card company, so be sure to use them.

Give them a call before your trip and give them a quick “readers digest” version of where you’re going to be and what you’ll be buying. Not only will this prevent your credit from getting unnecessarily deactivated, but it will also help your credit card company know when and where to flag certain purchases if something does go wrong.

2. Cover up when entering your PIN number -- It seems obsessive and maybe even rude, but when you’re making a purchase in public and you have to enter your PIN number, feel free to be discreet.

If someone looking over your shoulder can get your PIN number, it’ll make you a prime target for identity theft and in turn will make life much easier for those targeting you.

3. Photocopy your credit card -- Make a copy of the front and back of your card and leave it with a trusted friend or family member before you go. This will make the process of cancelling the card easier, in the event that it does get stolen. Chances are that this won’t be an issue, but if your card does get swiped, it’ll allow you to expedite the cancellation process.

4. Checking expenses online or on your smartphone -- Make sure that you have your bank’s app, or some other method of tracking purchases and checking your balance on your laptop or smartphone.

If you’re able to monitor your purchases on a daily basis, you’ll also be able to pick up on inconsistencies or purchases that you might not have made that will show up on your expense report.

Don’t get overly obsessed with checking it, but just review your purchases each night to make sure you don’t find anything unexpected.

Staying Sharp

Overall, staying sharp and keeping your wits about you when you’re traveling abroad will be enough to keep the topic of identity theft off the table. In addition, taking these extra steps will help you to protect against the most typical forms of credit card theft and fraud.

In the off chance that you do experience some issues with your credit card while traveling abroad, there are plenty of resources for credit help that will be able to assist you.
The more you can ensure a smooth and uneventful trip overseas, the better off you’re going to be, especially when dealing with your finances.

About The Author:

Marcela De Vivo is a freelance writer and internet entrepreneur from Southern California whose writing covers everything on technology, home security, gaming and marketing. She keeps her computer well-protected through the use of various programs.