Monday, 29 April 2013

Attacking Metasploitable - Samba Sever - Metasploit Tutorial

Hello guys,
Here is the first video of my Metasploitable attacking videos!
In this attack we exploited Samba server (which is vulnerable).

First thing I did was scanning the target IP with nmap, it will a slow and almost complete scan.
I got the IP from Metasploitable it self by running "ifconfig"

Then after detecting samba server in the target, launch Metasploit, search for the keyword "samba"
A list of exploits will show, all you have to do is type:

use exploit/path/to/exploit

After you use that command, type "show options" to see what that exploit needs, and see the options you have.

when you set your hosts, and ports; type "exploit" And that will run the exploit.

After we exploited the target, we got root access, which is exactly what I needed!


Vimeo Link:

Sunday, 28 April 2013

How To Remove Google Ads From Android Apps - Lucky Patcher

Hello guys, Today I have an Android video tutorial for you!
We all hate Ads on apps, they're disturbing, and we don't really want to pay just to remove them.. So today I will show you how to remove them from your apps
For this tutorial you need:
1. A Rooted Android Device
2. Lucky Patcher (Download HERE)
3. An App With Google Ads

As usual the video is AVAILABLE IN HD, and its best played in HD!
Vimeo Link:

Web Programming Series - HTML Tutorial 7

Hello guys,

Sorry for not uploading HTML tutorials for a while, but now we're back with out Web Programming Series!

As usual the video is available in HD, just change the quality!


How to install Backtrack and Metasploitable on Vmware - Metasploit

Hello guys,
Today I will show you how to install Backtrack 5 and Metasploitable-Linux on Vmware,
This Tutorial is just to get you guys ready to my Metasploit videos that I will release very soon.

First of all, you should download both Metasploitable-Linux (Our Target) and Backtrack 5 (Our attacker)

Download Backtrack for HERE
Download Metasploitable from HERE
Download VMWARE Player from HERE
When you download Backtrack, make sure you downloaded for 32-BIT Architecture.
I prefer KDE, which I will be using, and it always works on vmware. (GNOME give some graphics errors sometimes)

Backtrack Installation

After you download backtrack, open vmware, and click on "Create A New Virtual Machine"

Then check "Installer disc image file (.iso), and browse for your backtrack image file, and open it.

Now click on Next, and choose "Linux" as the Guest operating system, and "Ubuntu" as the virsion

Click on "Next", Choose a name for your OS, any name is OK!

Now click on "Next" again, now it's your turn, you choose what disk size you want for it, and then click on Next again, then you're done! UNLESS, you want to edit some of the settings, and CPU & RAM for your OS, you can do by clicking on "Customize Hardware"

Now Play your virtual machine, wait for it until it shows a terminal saying "root@bt:~#"
type "startx" and click enter.
You're done!

Metasploitable-Linux Installation

Metasploitable is a vulnerable OS, it has many vulnerabilities.. We will use that OS as a target to pwn it..
When you download Metasploitable, it will be downloaded as a .zip file, extract it, and you will see a file with the extension .vmx

All you have to do to install this OS, is to double click on it.. vmware will ask you if you you copied the virtual machine, or moved it, click on I moved it!

And you're done!

Hope you liked it! =)

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Spy camera detector - Things You Can Do To Protect Your Privacy

Privacy is extremely important for every individual to have and protect, but it is becoming
more and more difficult to protect your privacy with today’s invasive technology. It seems
that wherever you go, people can encroach on your privacy by stealing confidential personal
and financial information, or by recording you with video cameras, cell phones, and even spy
cameras that you can’t detect. So how do you take steps to ensure that you keep your valuable
privacy intact and that others do not steal your information or film you without your knowledge
or consent? While you shouldn’t walk around feeling paranoid all of the time, you will be much
more likely to protect your privacy if you follow these suggestions.

Monitor Credit Reports

One of the most important ways to protect not only your privacy but your identity as well is to
monitor your credit reports regularly and vigilantly. You can receive a copy of your credit report
on an annual basis for free, so don’t worry about the cost. If you monitor your credit reports
regularly then you will be able to catch fraudulent activity that is happening under your social
security number before it becomes a bigger issue.

Keep Your Phone Password-Protected

Smart phones contain so much confidential information, and if you lose your phone then others
could easily access that information. To keep this from happening, make sure you password-
protect your smart phone and any other type of cell phone that you may own.

Purchase a Hidden Camera Detector

You never know when you may find yourself in a situation where someone tries to film you
secretly and without your consent. If you find yourself in a situation where you think this may
happen, you should invest in a spy camera detector that will alert you to any hidden cameras
that may be around you. This will help you make sure that you don’t do or say anything that
could incriminate you later if you were secretly being filmed on a spy camera.

Choose Strong Computer Passwords

Computer hackers are out in full force lately, and they aren’t likely to back down anytime soon.
To keep all of the confidential information on your computer safe, it is important that you
choose strong passwords for all of your various accounts that you access online. Even though it
can be a pain to try and remember multiple passwords, make sure that you don’t use the same
password for all of your important accounts. You should also make sure that you always have a

strong antivirus and antispyware program installed to protect your information at all times.

Always Be Cautious

Although you don’t want to be paranoid all the time, you should always be cautious about who
you give personal information to. If you don’t know why someone is asking for specific, private
information then simply don’t give it to them. If someone ever calls you or emails you claiming
they are from your bank or other financial institution, make sure you ask them to provide
information to identify you, instead of giving them personal information that will identify you.
After all, if they are really your bank they should know who you are when they call you or email

If you follow these helpful suggestions you should be able to successfully protect your privacy
from those who would like to exploit it.

About The Author:

This is a guest post by Laura Russell, a guest writer from,
a site that offers home security solutions with their highly trusted spy cams. They
also offer GPS tracking, hidden cameras and PC monitoring assistance.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

How To Hack Windows 8 Using Metasploit - java_signed_applet

Hello guys,

Today I have my first Metasploit tutorial! We will be pentesting Windows 8 (My PC) Using Metasploit on Kali, inside a virtual machine.
So lets get started!

First thing you need to do is open Metasploit by running "msfconsole" in your terminal.

After metasploit loads, type this command:

use multi/browser/java_signed_applet

Like the picture bellow:

Now You have to set you local port, in this exploit its called SRVPORT. The default port is 8080, you can set it to any port you want.
Just run the command bellow:

set SRVPORT [Port number]

Change [Port number to anything you like, I used 1337.

Now to change the path to the exploit, we can set the URIPATH to anything we want.
We can leave all the settings as it is, but it will look a little bit ugly, things like:

Changing them will make people accept it more easily, and it's more fun!

To change the URIPATH run the following command:


Like the picture bellow:

Now run the command "exploit"

The server will start on the port, and the path you set.

All you have to do now, is send the IP to someone to open. When they open it they'll see a screen like this:

If they ran it, a window will open, Check "I accept the risk and want to run this application" then click on "Run"

As soon as you run it, metasploit will start a meterpreter session to the target PC, and you'll have full access to the target PC!

Session Opened:

System info:

Hope you like it!
Here is the video tutorial, performing this attack!

Video available in HD, just change the quality! Vimeo Link:

Monday, 8 April 2013

Web Programming Series - HTML Tutorial 6

Hello guys,

HTML 6th tutorial in our Web Programming Series!

Video Available in HD, just change the quality! Video Download Link:

Monday, 1 April 2013

Web Programming Series - HTML Tutorial 5

Hello all,
Here is the fifth HTML tutorial in our web programming series.
Video is also available in HD, just change the quality

Video Download Link: