Tuesday, 25 September 2012

How To Get All Subdomains Of A Website and Bypass Cloudflare Protection

Hello guys :)
Today I have a new video tutorial for you :)
I will show you how to get all the subdomains of a target, with their IP's which will allow us to bypass cloudflare protection sometimes :)
Hope you enjoy this video :)

Best Played In Full Screen Mode!
Btw, I mean "server names" not "hostnames" in USA.gov test :P

Thursday, 20 September 2012

How To Fix Blogger 404 Error (DNS Redirect)

Hello guys,
So last week I was facing a problem with blogger "naked domain" redirecting, and when I check the box in blogger to redirect it, it won't work. So I opened a couple of other blogger websites ad noticed that they have the same problem!
a couple of days ago, I figured out how to fix this issue using Google Apps, Here are the steps.

First thing you want to do is open this link www.google.com/a
Make an account, even if its free!
Set you DNS and do all the steps!
Then login to your account the page will look like this:

Now what you have to do is open "Domain Settings" Tab, like the one in the picture above^
After you open that tab, you will find something like a Sub-Tab called "Domain Names" Like the picture bellow:

Now you will see a page like this:

Now click on "Change Redirect", You're almost DONE!
Now Google will show you some steps to do, do them and your URL will be fixed :)

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Linux Fun Trick #2

Hello guys,
today I'm going to show a cool program that not many people know!
as many people say, "Hackers Live in Termianls". So today I'm going to show you how to browse the internet inside your terminal! xD
check facebook, search google, etc.. ;)

[#] How To Install:

- run the following command:
sudo apt-get install w3m w3m-img

Now all you have to do is open your terminal and run this command:

w3m www.securitygeeks.net

or change the URL to any website you want!
if you want to view images as well, open your terminal and run:

this terminal supports images, now just run the same command above to browse the web in your terminal and with pictures!
It will look something like this if you're using backtrack:
Enjoy :)

Buffer Over Flow Exploition

Hello guys,
Today I have a video tutorial made by my friend SOG aka Soldier Of God which he explains how to exploit buffer over flow vulnerabilities. I've watched this video and it really useful for newbies :)
Enjoy the video!

Full ScreenMode Recommended! 

Friday, 7 September 2012

Blogger DNS 0day Vulnerability 2012

New BlogDNS 0day, Discovered By Shadow008
Lets just say, any site pointing to Google server can Be Hacked and Defaced

1st) Find a target where as its subdomain or its main domain is pointing to google or blogger server I.P
2nd) If it is pointing to Google Server I.P, You will see a page 100% like this >> http://ghs.google.com/

404. That’s an error.

The requested URL / was not found on this server. That’s all we know.

If that shows, That means its vul to BlogDNS 0day

3rd) Go to http://www.blogger.com/ and Login / Create an account
4th) Create a Blog
5th) Name it anything you want as a subdomain for blogger.
6th) Once blog is created, Go to Settings > Publishing > Switch To Advanced Mod and add that site URL domain. (example:direct.madleets.com) Please note that it MUST be pointing to google or blogger server I.P.
and Save it.

Clear You cache and go to that sites subdomain which you added. You will see its in your control .
Now go to Design > Edit HTML > Revert to Classic Template > Add Deface Code There (Switch of Navbar to OFF) and Hit Save, Clear Cache and check site will be defaced .

Note: I have used Old Blogger Interface, I don't use the New Blogger Interface as I find the old one more easy

I hope it was clear and understood
Have fun and don't share

Special Thanks To Shadow008 for all this

Sites which are hacked using this method:
Mirror: http://zone-h.org/mirror/id/18307796

Mirror: http://zone-h.org/mirror/id/18307953

Mirror: http://zone-hc.com/archive/mirror/8d752fd_mail.dl4hacks.net_mirror_.html

Source: HackersMedia

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Linux Fun Trick #1

Hello guys, Today I'm going to show you a trick made by me, just for fun :)
I will be posting some fun tricks on linux later on, this will be the first one :)
so what this trick do is when you type "whoami" in linux it will answer you with your user.
in this trick you will be able to ask "whothefuckami" and your PC will answer you "you are motherfucking USER" where USER = your user on that PC. here are two examples where user is root, and "retz" (Retz is RetnOHacK my friend)

On Backtrack:

On Ubuntu:
you can find out how to make your linux GNOME look like XP like the picture above click here

So lets see how to do that trick. I've made a script to do it all for you, you just have to run it as root.

[#] For Backtrack Users, and Linux With root User:

1. Copy the code in the bottom save it as "setup.sh" on your Desktop
2. Open Terminal And Run the following commands:

cd Desktop
chmod +x setup.sh && ./setup.sh


[#] Other Linux Distros (User NOT root)
1. Copy The Code in the bottom save it as "setup.sh" on your Desktop
2. Open your terminal and run the following commands:

sudo su

Enter your password then run those commands:

cd Desktop && chmod +x setup.sh && ./setup.sh

The Script:

echo "[+]Downloading Needed scripts"
wget -q http://pastie.comli.com/securitygeeks
echo "[+]Downloading Done!"
sleep 1;
echo "[+]Setting Script Up!";
mv securitygeeks whothefuckami;
sleep 1;
cp whothefuckami /usr/bin;
chmod 777 /usr/bin/whothefuckami;
echo "[+]Cleaing Up Our Mess xD";
sleep 1;
rm whothefuckami;
echo "[+]Everything Installed, and Mess cleaned! :P"; sleep 1;
echo "[+]Installing Done!"; sleep 1;
echo "[#]Visit WwW.SecurityGeeks.NET"; sleep 1;
echo "[#]Here I will show you how this works!"; sleep 1;
echo "[#]Type 'whothefuckami'"; sleep 1;
echo "The Reslut Will be this:"; sleep 2;

Sunday, 2 September 2012

How To Make Linux GNOME Look Like Windows XP

Hello guys, today I'm going to show you how to make your linux look like windows with just one click!
this trick first appeared in GnackTrack OS to make social engineering easier, because people will totally think that its just a normal windows XP working here.
Now the same guy who made GnackTrack released the script for all the Distros out there. It says it's for backtrack, but I've tried it on a simple Ubuntu and it worked. you just have to run it as root else you won't see your old linux look again! xD

the picture above is a Backtrack 5 R3 Gnome edition, as you can see it totally like windows XP (really cool right? :P)

So I will tell you how to do this to your linux also

[#] First Method

If you're using backtrack or a distro which run as root user it will be really simple, just Click Here to download the program then install it and you will be able to start using it. (Look at video bellow for more understanding)

For other systems, you will have to do somethings first to be able to run it. Follow those steps:

1. Click Here to download the program, then install it.

2. Open your terminal and the following command:

sudo su

then you will be asked for root password put it, now you're root. now run the following command:

cd /pentest/misc/LookLikeXP/ && ./LookLikeXP.sh

First you will get a pop-up warning saying that your system will look totally like windows XP click "Yes"
Then Your terminal will look like this:

You're done! Your system is in windows XP theme now!

Now how to restore this?
Easy, run the following commands:

First sign in as root:

sudo su

Put your password, then run this command:

cd /pentest/misc/LookLikeXP/ && ./Restore_Settings.sh

That will restore Your system to GNOME look again!

Else you will not be able to see your original look again!